Sunday, February 04, 2007

To Celebrate Valentine's Day

I posted this on the Spinner's Yarn Group, but since I have a blog, makes sense to post it here, too. The fic will be posted on the group. So join! :-D

To celebrate Valentine's Day I've decided to "attempt" write a
Valentine's fic, but I'll need some help. I created a poll where you
can vote on which couple you would like featured in the fic. Any
couples from the novels "Being Plumville", "Reconstructing Jada
Channing", or "Manna Tree" are available because these are the three
novels I've completed. Or if you want a fic featuring the secondary
characters (like Freda and Jermaine or Oscar and George or Lynn and
Terrence) you can vote for that on the poll and let me know which
couple in replies to this post. The poll will be up until next
Saturday night (02/10).

Happy voting!


Valentine's Day Fic Poll

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