Yes, I'm one of the authors. :)
May 30th, 2009 promises to be a full-day literary experience, starting with Book Marketing Mastermind Session Breakfast Buffet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 175 Piedmont Ave. NE, Atlanta 30306.
Admission: $25 Breakfast Only/$40 for Full Day Pass
Breakfast includes a marketing and promotion brainstorming session.
*Readers: Please note FREE book inc. with Full Day Pass AND Uptown Admission tickets ONLY.
Next, we'll take the hotel shuttle ($5.00 R/T) to the Peachtree Branch Library, 1315 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta 30309 from 12:30-2 p.m. for readings by authors (including, but not limited to):
- Gail McFarland (Summer Wind, The Best for Last, When Love Calls, Lady Killer, All for Love, Dream Runner and If Ever)
- Diane Dorcé (Loving Penny, Devil in the Mist, Bloggers' Delight and 54 Broad Street)
- Ja Adams (Chameleon, Purple Haze and Unfinished Business)
- Brooklyn Darkchild (This Ain't No Hearts and Flowers Love Story, Part 1 and 2)
- Jean Holloway (Ace of Hearts and Black Jack)
- John R. Williams (The Reunion, C.E.L.L., Daddy and Me, What Could Have Been; the Saint, the Sinner, and the Attempt)
- Danyelle Scroggins (Not Until You're Ready)
- TL James (Mpire: In Search of the Lost and Mpire: Death Cometh)
- Sharon Oliver (Keep Your Enemies Closer, Deliver Me From My Enemies)
- DeiIra Collard-Smith (Love, Lust & a Whole Lotta Distrust and Secrets, Sins and Shameful Lies)
Final stop: The 'Quadruple A' (African American Authors in Atlanta) Literary Event from 3-7 p.m. at The Uptown Restaurant & Lounge, 201 Courtland St., Atlanta 30303.
Authors & readers will get to meet and mingle (and buy or sell, of course.) I will have more details on the author lineup as they come in. There will be light hors'dourves and a cash bar.
All three venues are within a 5 mile radius! Please come enjoy the day with us.
The Uptown Restaurant & Lounge - General Admission: $25
Readers: Admission includes one (1) personally autographed book from the attending author of your choice. Authors are donating book giveaway, but if one runs out, please have a second choice.
Thinking of coming from out of town? Please let me know ASAP. I've worked a deal ($89/night, King or double Queen) with the Wyndham Garden Hotel which is walking distance to The Uptown Restaurant & Lounge. You will also be able to use the hotel shuttle ($5.00 R/T) to and from the club.
Tell everyone you think would be interested. The venues are sharp! I'm excited!
Questions? Please contact me via email with 'Quad A' as the subject.
Jean Holloway